Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident.
《牛津词典》To wit, that a spurious Prince of Wales was being feasted by the city in his stead.
Take time to read, it is the fountain to wit.
In this case, the struct is a bit more complicated, to wit.
To wit, fit is as essential for jeans as for tailored slacks.
And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him.
Adler told me that his favored approach involves six steps, to wit.
It is not feasible to wit four days until the body is used to new time zone.
I fully understand this argument. To wit, I offer the relatively unknown Welborn.
These two properties seem essential to wit, more particularly the last of them.
The main features: to wit and thrilling combination of traditional style. 3, Italian neo-realism comedy.
To wit, the payments company released a study this week that revealed that 83% of people polled in five countries, including the U.
Unfortunately Excel’s methods are designed for backwards compatibility and do not necessarily give the right answers. To wit Luca says
To wit: One affected individual was William Eldredge, who "commands the largest operational B-1 [strategic bomber] group in the U.S.Air Force.
其中受牵连的人包括威廉埃尔·德雷奇,他是美国空军中指挥“大型B - 1 [战略轰炸机]组”的人。
To wit: the most comprehensive structural analysis of the galaxy ever conducted indicates that ours is not a run-of-the-mill spiral one after all.
The learning and mastery of sports skills, the performance of competitive ability in sports activities are all related to wit, which reflects the me...
To wit, e-mail, remote login, and superuser privileges all require a password—preferably disparate and each difficult to guess or derive using an automated attack.
To wit: open-source knock-offs of familiar games and genres, ports of old first-person shooters such as Quake II and Doom and lots of classic game console emulators.
换言之,这个平台就是:相似游戏和风格的开源复制品,类似《雷神之锤 Ⅱ》和《毁灭战士》的早期第一人称射击游戏端口,以及众多经典游戏的主机模拟器。
To wit, compiler optimizations can make the assignment of the new singleton object before all its fields are initialized. (See "Double-checked locking is broken" in Resources.)
Which when Abram had heard, to wit, that his brother Lot was taken, he numbered of the servants born in his house, three hundred and eighteen well appointed: and pursued them to Dan.
To wit: "If you were to take the best engineers in the world and asked them to design a perfect plug for a child's airway, you couldn't do better than a hot dog, " one AAP doctor said.
The natural and social quality of productive labor forms the nature of productive labor, to wit, connotation, which is the essential foundation to inspect and research productive labor for us.
Then Amaziah separated them, to wit, the army that was come to him out of Ephraim, to go home again: wherefore their anger was greatly kindled against Judah, and they returned home in great anger.
于是亚玛谢将那从以法莲来的军兵分别出来,叫他们回家去。 故此,他们甚恼怒犹大人,气忿忿地回家去了。
At least you had the wit to ask for help.