1 词典释义:
save as
时间: 2025-03-04 04:20:28
英 [seɪv az]
美 [seɪv æz]

vphr. 另存为;保存为;存储为

  • Conservationists are trying to save as many species as possible.


  • She wanted to save as much money as possible.


  • We will save as much as we can and go sailing next July.


  • I always mix Save with Save As.


  • Save as Report1, and close the report.


  • He boiled them clean to save as a keepsake.


  • An editor like WordPad does not save as text by default.


  • (If so, save as draft and come back to the note in one hour).


  • Enjoy life's simple pleasures and save as much as you can.


  • Old folks just can't save as much when they're not working.


  • Wisdom is not acquired save as the result of investigation.


  • Also, you should save as many objects as you can so you do not have to execute queries constantly.


  • However, in order to survive in their harsh habitat, penguins must save as much energy as possible.


  • The code for Word 2007 is found in Listing 5.1, which you can save as "msrepurpose.php" for reference purposes.

    清单5.1显示了再利用Word 2007的代码,可以将该代码保存为“msrepurpose . php”,以便后面引用。

  • We think the moratorium isn't working. Many whales are being killed, and we want to save as many whales as possible.


  • Compared to generating electricity in a US coal plant, the device could save as much as 12 tonnes of CO2 per home.


  • Save as aforesaid any words or expressions defined in the Ordinance shall bear the same meaning in these Articles.


  • It would take thousands of hybrid cars to save as many gallons of gas (750,000) as Boon expects his buses to save Seattle each year.


  • Alternatively, you can duplicate an existing query using the duplicate context menu action, or by using Save As directly in the query Editor.


  • Viewing the full picture — economic wealth — Americans save as much as they always have; otherwise, their wealth relative to income would fall.


  • The simplest method is to open Notepad, create a new file, copy the following code (Listing 2) into the new Notepad file, and save as PresentBlox.jsp.

    最简单的方法是打开记事本,新建一个文件,将下列代码(清单 2)复制到新记事本文件中,然后另存为 PresentBlox.jsp。

  • Enter it into your favorite text editor with the same line spacings, save as' eg1.c ', compile with 'GCC -g eg1.c -o eg1' and start GDB with 'GDB eg1'.

    在您喜欢的文本编辑器中输入这个程序(要保持相同的行距),保存为' eg1 . c ',使用' gcc - g eg1 . c - o eg1 '进行编译,并用' gdb eg1 '启动gdb。

  • In the latest edition, it has a Perspectives manager to let you save as many custom workspace views as you need that can be used from session to session.


  • It depends on what you are doing in that sort section originally, but it's possible to save as much as half the time it would take using the method shown in Listing 6.


  • The latter wants to save as many of the 25,000 jobs at Opel’s four German factories as possible; the former to minimise the losses of a business in which it will maintain a stake.


  • The latter wants to save as many of the 25, 000 jobs at Opel's four German factories as possible; the former to minimise the losses of a business in which it will maintain a stake.


  • While you can do this with notepad, the most common way to edit a.rdp file is to use the GUI Remote Desktop client because it offers options to Open, Save, and Save as connection files, like this.


  • Karl Knappe’s “Hagar,” a bronze from 1923, twisted like knotted rope, has been left with its green patina of rust and rubble, making it almost impossible to decipher, save as evidence of its fate.

    Karl Knappe的“夏甲”,一个1923年的铜质雕像,扭曲得像一股纠缠在一起的绳子,布满了铜锈和碎石瓦砾,几乎不可能辨认出来,但却像命中注定般作为往事的见证而被拯救了出来。
