The dark night of the soul invites us to fully recognize the confines of our ego's identity.
The latest publicity photos show pale, edgy characters who have clearly seen the dark night of the soul.
A dark night of the soul is a very specific experience that some people encounter on their spiritual journeys.
There are people who never encounter a dark night of the soul, but others must endure this as part of the process of breaking through to the dawn of higher consciousness.
“THE question then must be asked,” reflected a recent unfriendly psycho-history of Zionism: “Is Sharon an aberration, or does he represent Israel's dark night of the soul?
Indeed, the Spanish mystic St. John of the Cross in the 16th century coined the term the "dark night" of the soul to describe a characteristic stage in the growth of some spiritual masters.
In the long dark night of my life, the books I have read and read to me have become a magnificent beacon for me to show the deepest channels of my life and my soul.