Production of the foie gras pt involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Mole groaned dolorously: "no butter, no—no pate de foie gras, no champagne!"
Hit up Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Eating veal, foie gras, processed foods.
And one year, I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.
FOIE GRAS is one of the most controversial dishes on earth.
Hallowtide had a little of the atmosphere of Carnival or Mardi Gras.
Second to caviar, foie gras is one of the finest western foods available.
It is the liver of ducks (foie gras de canard) or geese (fois gras d’Oie).
The practice is banned in Germany, though the consumption of foie gras is not.
The affair has provoked a flurry of letters from those for and against foie gras.
Dom Perignon and paté de foie gras would be shipped out after him when his plots failed.
当得纳德的阴谋以失败告终时,多姆佩利格隆香槟酒(Dom Perignon)与法式鹅肝酱(paté de foie gras)也将跟随他运往国外。
People didn't understand what he was cooking. They wanted foie gras. He gave them cloudberries.
大家不知道他烹调的是什么,别人想吃鹅肝酱(foie gras),他们上的却是野生云莓(cloudberries)。
New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz and is host to a world-famous Mardi Gras celebration.
新奥尔良是爵士乐的诞生地,并且是世界闻名的(Mardi Gras)狂欢节的主办地。
About 37 million ducks and 700, 000 geese are slaughtered each year to make French foie gras.
It is fed on beer and grain and produces meat so tender and fatty that it rivals foie gras in texture.
A week later it threw a party for 1, 500 people, serving champagne and foie gras wrapped in gold leaf.
Fair organisers bowed to pressure from animal rights campaigners who claim foie gras production is cruel.
Two hundred years ago this month, the elite in New Orleans were making their usual preparations for Mardi Gras.
Foie gras is from the liver of a force-fed duck or goose, a practice that animal protection groups say is cruel.
Quick said the foie gras burger would have a total of 672 calories, compared to the standard burger's 633 calories.
Foie gras farmer Jerome Berna, 30, has been wearing a beret every day for 10 years, "to work and to go out on weekends."
My favourite job was probably as a bartender in Louisiana in the middle of Mardi Gras. I got to meet so many great people.
We add foie gras and also some Korean pears. We import all the materials, and they are high quality so it is so expensive.
As she crosses the chalk finish line on her training run, she is rewarded with purple Mardi Gras beads and chicken nuggets.
当她经过训练的粉笔结束线时,她得到了紫色的MARDI GRAS BEADS(饮料)和鸡块作为奖励。
Nowadays, all genetically engineered foods on the market fit, according to the FDA, the category of "generally regarded as safe" (GRAS).
foie gras
mardi gras