Screening tests are available that detect BRCA mutations.
筛查试验可有效的检测BR CA突变。
The rogue genes, known as BRCA 1, BRCA 2 and P53, can be identified through a blood test.
The BRCA patents have long frustrated medical researchers, cancer lobbyists and legal activists.
This does not affect normal cells because they can call on an alternative repair mechanism, controlled by their healthy BRCA genes.
BRCA-1-associated protein (BAP1) is a tumor suppressor gene, which shows biallelic inactivation in approximately half of all mesotheliomas.
BRCA - 1相关蛋白(BAP1)是一种肿瘤抑制基因,约半数的间皮瘤中显示双等位基因失活。