No one wants any rist of the same thing happening again.
In this paper, we propose RIST, a novel index structure for searching XML documents.
Our experiments show that RIST is effective and efficient in supporting structural queries.
"Valentine's Day this year will be more about small tokens of affection rather than extravagant purchases," Phil Rist, executive vice President at BIGresearch, said.
Furthermore, RIST provides a unified index on both content and structure of the XML documents, hence it has a performance advantage over methods indexing either content or structure.
"We are providing a system that looks like a potential target to an adversary while we try to collect as much information about his tactics, techniques, and procedures," the Project's Lukas Rist says.
“我们提供了一个系统,看起来像一个潜在的目标对手当我们试图收集尽可能多的信息,关于他的战术,技术和程序,”该项目的Lukas Rist说。