You can't peer into your mind and see the fact that you've got free will.
Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.
Climbing steep stairs to the choir gallery you peer into a cavernous interior.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》"Howdy," the man replied. He was very tall and had to stoop slightly to peer into the car.
Now we use bigger glass to peer into the past.
But then you peer into the Chinese haze - and despair.
He was very tall and had to stoop slightly to peer into the car.
And that's a good thing when you are trying to peer into the future.
Eyes, ears, and noses are thus prediction machinery to peer into time.
Think how easy it is to peer into the inner workings of a company today.
Tears dribble down our cheek as our children peer into our eyes and say, I love you.
When you look at your partner, try to see beyond the physical and peer into his/her soul.
SEEING IS BELIEVING: When we peer into space with a telescope, we are actually looking back in time.
For the first time, the IPCC also tries to peer into the longer-term effects of climate change.
On a clear day, why does the beauty of a blue sky seem so peaceful as you lie down and peer into it?
The cloud of data flowing through their workstations forms a clear digital globe for them to peer into.
The farther out astronomers peer into the universe, the longer it has taken the light they see to reach Earth.
Since our father died three years ago, my brother is the only way I can peer into my - that is, our - genetic ancestry.
These are the factors that led Henry Kissinger to peer into the newborn country’s cot and declare it a basket case.
But as tools to peer into the inner workings of the otherwise completely opaque virtual machine, they are invaluable.
Researchers can now humanely peer into the electrical and chemical activities of brain cells in animals while they sleep.
Researchers can now humanely peer into the electrical and chemical activities of brain cells in animals while they sleep.
So, the next time you see a withered hand extended in need, or peer into the eyes of a lonely aging face don’t run or look away.
His eyes peer into the middle distance, in what one fan described as "a deep and penetrating way", and he strides confidently forward.
So, the next time you see a withered hand extended in need, or peer into the eyes of a lonely aging face don't run or look away.
At the same time, new and more specialized radio telescope arrays are being built to peer into the universe's earliest star-forming era.
One of the many recent books that seek to peer into the post-American era, it presents all the right pieces in all the wrong places.