Note the present element in these exa lot ofs: a fire is melting;
The perspiration of seven Yan a pate ofs, when did she once promise!
But, by Zheng Shi, literally carry a three little elder brothers ofs, which isn't a good repute and ability double bumper farm?
The in fact big part purchases the all ofs are not native persons, the many people leaves China with long hours, returning with the sea particularly mostly.
An all fiber Weak coherent optical fiber sensor (OFS) system for displacement measurement with a fiber Young's decoding interferometer is proposed and demonstrated.
Method Use ofs the Tumor Hospital of Shaanxi province 1998-2001 the inpatient expenses statistics data, statistics to analyze various expenseses and composings of the patient.
Theories trying to explain these problems in the past all took Newton-Einstien's concept of contradiction and antithesis ofs time and space as the prequisite for their explanations.