The maladjusted soil nutrients show great inconsistency.
It is the ringing cry of modern child psychology, maladjusted.
We found that some patients were in maladjusted nutrition.
These phantoms don't mean your child is lonely or maladjusted.
The only child was rumored to be selfish, lonely and maladjusted.
The focusing characteristics of Gaussian beam passing through the maladjusted telescope optic system are studied.
The quantum bender makes us maladjusted social misfit magic gees look like powerful superheroes... cape not included.
The transformation of the competition patterns requires adaptation of the current maladjusted competition regulations.
I think you already realize that punishment does not always produce good children, and many times harshness produces maladjusted children.
But stand volume descents to a great extent, age class and stand density structure are maladjusted badly, and the number of stand growth is low.
The stereotype of a lonely, spoiled, bossy and maladjusted only child dates back to 1896, when an American psychologist named Granville Stanley Hall did a research paper on the subject.
对一个孤僻、被溺爱的、专横且有些不适应环境的独生子女的刻板印象始于1896年,那时一位美国心理学家格兰弗.斯坦利 Hall就这个主题作了一项研究报告。
Childhood autism is viewed as a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), marked by deficits in social interaction, speech development, living skills, perceptual skills and maladjusted behavior.
With the rapid growth of population, as well as the unprecedented extensive and in-depth development of human activities, the relationship between mankind and nature is gradually becoming maladjusted.
坏, 恶
- malnutritionn. 营养不良;营养失调;营养缺乏;营养不足;营养缺失
- malfunctionv. 发生故障;运作异常;功能失常;出现问题;失灵
- malarian. 疟疾
- maltreatv. 虐待;虐用;粗暴对待;摧残;折磨
- malpracticen. 医疗过失
- concernedadj. 关注的;关切的;担心的;挂念的;忧虑的;不安的;烦恼的;有关的;涉及的;受到影响的;感兴趣的
- advancedadj. 先进的;高级的;发展的;新颖的;创新的;尚未广泛接受的;晚期的(指疾病等);提前的(指时间或阶段)
- reportedlyadv. 据说;据报道;据传闻;按照报道;据悉;据新闻媒体报道
- mixedadj. 混合的;混杂的;搀和的;掺杂在一起的;由不同种族的人组成的;种族多元的;复合的;复杂的
- skilledadj. 熟练的;技术娴熟的;有技能的;有专长的;需要技巧的;精通的;手艺高超的
- absorbedadj. 全神贯注的;聚精会神的;专注的;深深吸引的;被…吸引住;热衷的;入迷的
- situatedadj. 位于…的;处于…境遇的;位于
- decidedadj. 确定的;坚定的;明显的;明白无误的;无疑的;果断的;观点鲜明的;确凿的;显著的
- outdatedadj. 过时的;陈旧的;落伍的;过期的;废弃的;老式的;不合时宜的
- intendedadj. 预定的;计划中的;计划的;意图的;有意的;故意的;打算的;为…打算(或设计)的;意欲达到的
- talentedadj. 有才能的;天资聪颖的;技艺高超的;天赋异禀的;才艺出众的;多才多艺的
- annoyedadj. 恼怒的;气恼的
- conceitedadj. 自负的;骄傲的;自视过高的;自命不凡的;狂妄的;自大的;自恋的
- disabledadj. 有身体残疾的;功能受限的;失去能力的;不起作用的;被停用的
- retiredadj. 退休的;退职的;退役的;隐退的;隐居的;僻静的;隐蔽的;远离喧嚣的;已退出工作岗位的;已经结束职业生涯的
- sacredadj. 神圣的;受尊重的;受崇敬的;宗教的;宗教性的;庄严的;不可侵犯的;奉献给上帝的;受神圣保护的;不容亵渎的
- ashamedadj. 羞耻的;羞愧的;惭愧的;内疚的;觉得尴尬的;感到难堪的;不好意思的;感到丢脸的
- establishedadj. 确定的;公认的;权威性的;传统的;稳固的;既定的;已建立的;已生根的;著名的;成名的
- informedadj. 了解情况的;见多识广的;有学问的;知情的
- agedadj. 年老的;高龄的;年迈的;陈年的;久经岁月的;成熟的;具有…年龄的;表明年龄的;老化的;古老的;(aged后跟数字表示具体年龄)…岁;(统称)老人
- impassionedadj. 充满激情的;热烈的;情感强烈的;热情洋溢的;激昂的;热心的
- crowdedadj. 拥挤的;水泄不通的;排满的、占满的
- alliedadj. 联盟的;结盟的;同盟的;协约国的;同盟国的;类似的;相关联的;有关系的;联合的;相连的;相结合的;共存的;伙伴关系的;与…有关的;与…联合的;与…共事的
- belovedadj. 深爱的;挚爱的;钟爱的;珍爱的;宠爱的;受喜爱的;深受喜爱的
- middle-aged中年;中老年的;中年人
- amazedvt. 使吃惊;(amaze的过去式和过去分词)
- notedadj. 著名的;知名的;显著的;闻名的;值得注意的;引人注目的
- giftedadj. 有天才的;有天赋的;天资聪慧的;才华横溢的;富有创造力的;技艺高超的;智力超常的;具有(令人愉快的东西)
- kind-heartedadj. 善良的;好心的;仁慈的;慈善的;富有同情心的;温柔的;宽容的;宽厚的;慷慨的
- crookedadj. 弯曲的;不直的;不诚实的;欺诈的;不正当的;不合法的
- hackneyedadj. 陈腐的;老套的;平庸的;过于频繁使用的
- scaredadj. 害怕的;恐惧的;担心的;惊吓的;受惊的;畏惧的