Graduate School tuition is expensive, and these courses will give you a good overview of the field before committing yourself.
In fact, Wang Jing not in school tuition, she and netizens to Shanxi.
I have to economize every month just to pay your private school tuition.
Ambitious Japanese parents have made private, out-of-school tuition a thriving business.
It is not if you want to buy global brands and pay for international school tuition fees for the children.
School tuition does not include transportation, certain field trips, or medical expenses incurred while at school.
While scholarships are available to most children from poor families, private school tuition fees can still be prohibitively high.
What is more, ' with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents toexpect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result ofeducation they have received.
What is more, 'with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents to expect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result of education they have received.
Article 15 Each competent educational authority shall prescribe regulations concerning vocational school tuition fee, the items, purpose and amount of tuition fee, and matters related thereto.
She is on call to work three times a week for a former client, in return for which she earns a decent retainer fee, school tuition for her grandson, and the flexibility to take on other clients.
After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition, because there was no extra money set aside for a college education.
Too many youth drop out of high school; too many high school graduates are not college-ready. Tuition levels for college are high and have risen relative to family incomes and student financial aid.
Williams College, a prestigious liberal arts school in Massachusetts, announced last month that for the first time in 46 years, its tuition would remain steady at $31,520.
Their mothers cook food from scratch, have coffee mornings with other mothers, help read in school, enrol them for extra tuition.
She worked in the cotton field for a year and then a schoolteacher from Colorado, who read in a leaflet about the school for blacks in Mayesville pledged to pay for her tuition for a higher education.
But the proportion of those identified as requiring "school action", which means they get extra help such as tuition in small groups, has risen.
Should the child choose to attend a different university, the University of Pennsylvania will apply up to 40 percent of Penn's tuition rate to the child's school of choice.
A month prior, faced with about $15,000 in unpaid tuition and overdue bills, Taylor and her roommate typed "tuition," "debt," and "money for school" into Google.
America has long held "talent searches", using test results and teacher recommendations to select children for advanced school courses, summer schools and other extra tuition.
美国长期以来一直主张“选秀(talent searches)”,也就是通过考试测评和老师推荐来挑选孩子参加高级学校课程、暑期教育和其他课外辅导活动。
For example, if you want to go back to school, then you must commit to completing the coursework, attending classes and paying tuition and book fees.
From the picture, we can see that a school sets two different levels of classes and their tuition fee varies greatly between them.