The answer is something that Simon calls "satisficing" - perhaps best thought of as a cross between satisfying and sufficing.
He comprehended the danger, and began barking to awaken his master; and this not sufficing, he jumped up, and gently bit his finger.
Recently, the Search Engine was using in the age of information. And the Vertical Search Engine has appeared for sufficing the field of specialty.
The world's complexities and uncertainties are distilled and set in orderly figures, with a handful of characters sufficing to capture the universe itself.
The world's complexities and uncertainties are distilled and set in orderly figures, with a handful of characters sufficing to capture the universe itself.
世界的复杂性和不确定性被抽象、升华在秩序井然的数字中。 靠着那一把字符,我们就能够把握宇宙自身。
It is no longer an issue of the Earth wobble or temporary leans to the left of into opposition sufficing. This is twitching about, compared to the last weeks.
Establishing the foundation to improve the rotor shape parameter dramatically, realizing the Roots pump series design and production, sufficing the condition of the agile manufacturing technology.
suffice for