"It's not just an escape," said Keith Oatley, a professor emeritus of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto.
He will continue as chairman emeritus.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Chris Argyris is the Professor of Education and Organizational Behavior Emeritus at Harvard University.
Dr T. Colin Campbell is a professor emeritus at Cornell University.
Larry Cuban, emeritus professor, Stanford University School of education.
Ian Stewart FRS is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Warwick University.
作者Ian Stewart FRS是华威大学数学名誉教授。
They "will take some time to fall over, but they are dead," says the professor emeritus.
A researcher and professor emeritus, Yairi is also a stutterer, who speaks at a measured, slow pace.
Keizo Yamada, an emeritus professor at Kobe University, is a famous research scholar of Lu Hsun in Japan.
Harry G. Frankfurt, 76, is a moral philosopher of international reputation and a professor emeritus at Princeton.
76岁的哈里·g .法兰克福是一位有着国际声誉的道德哲学家和普林斯顿大学的名誉教授。
Paul Ekman, Professor Emeritus at University of California, San Francisco and renowned expert in lie detection.
Enter Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus of applied physics and an expert on the inner workings of the sun.
斯坦福大学应用物理系荣誉退休教授、太阳内部活动机制专家Peter Sturrock也加入到了研究中来。
Joseph Silverstein, a Burma specialist and Emeritus Professor of Rutgers University, described the plan as "totally irrational".
Lead author professor James Fries, emeritus professor of medicine at Stanford, said: "The study has a very pro-exercise message."
Mr Goldthwaite, professor emeritus of history at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is an uncompromising researcher.
The emeritus professor of microbiology at Aberdeen University added: 'My view would be that is possibly a dangerous thing to do.
John Matese, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, suspects Nemesis exists for another reason.
约翰。玛提斯(John Matese),拉法耶特路易斯安那大学物理学荣誉教授,基于另一个理由质疑“复仇者”存在的可能性。
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg is President emeritus and university professor at George Washington university and a partner in Korn Ferry International.
Ryan D. Tweney is an emeritus professor of psychology at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and is the author of several books on scientific thinking.
Ryan D. Tweney是俄亥俄州鲍灵格林大学心理学的荣誉退休教授,也是几本关于科学思考的书的作者。
Edward O. Wilson is University Research Professor Emeritus and Honorary Curator in Entomology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University.
爱德华·o·威尔逊(Edward o . Wilson)哈佛大学的荣誉研究教授兼比较动物学昆虫馆的名誉馆长。
The response doesn't satisfy John Sedat, a UCSF professor-emeritus of biochemistry and biophysics who was among those who wrote to Holdren last April.
Not all people who grow up disliking their appearance were ugly children, says James Rosen, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Vermont.
并不是所有长大后比喜欢自己相貌的人小时候都长得丑,James Rosen说道,她是福蒙特大学的心理学荣誉教授。
Mr Slater, a professor emeritus of Victorian literature at Birkbeck College, London, has probably forgotten more about Dickens than most people will ever know.
Brooke Astor was a longtime trustee of the Metropolitan, sitting on its board, the most powerful club in New York, from 1964 to 1983, when she was made emeritus.
"These training programs are a work in progress," says Michael Merzenich, a professor emeritus and neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.
James MacGregor Burns, a professor emeritus of government at Williams College and the author, most recently, of "Packing the Court," has been teaching since 1947.
詹姆斯·麦克格里·伯恩斯现任威廉姆学院名誉顾问,最近他出版了新作《集结审判》(Packing the Cour),其自1947年任教至今。
In general, such systems are in their infancy, says Kanamori, a Caltech professor emeritus of geophysics and former director of Caltech's seismological laboratory.
emeritus professor