She snubs him because she hasn't forgiven him.
One of the 2016 Oscar snubs is the movie Ex Machina.
A Mumbai merchant spurns your best offer. A maitre d' snubs you in Beirut.
Some people consider Will Smith one of the major Oscar snubs this year.
The Simpson sisters have been very vocal lately when it comes to snubs against their family.
On the other hand, if the us snubs Russia, that will only dent Moscow's prestige, not Beijing's.
Snubs hurt him, and the merest suspicion of unpopularity in any quarter rouses him to bitterness.
The biggest Oscar snubs this year, in my opinion, is Tom Hardy for his performance in The Revenant.
"Nothing is true, all is permitted," announces Friedrich Nietzsche, and thus snubs most great thinkers of the past.
Bingley's aristocratic friend Fitzwilliam Darcy, who turns up his nose at the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and snubs her daughters.
China has already called off meetings with Japanese officials, including planned talks over disputed gas fields in the East China Sea. More snubs may follow.
Teenagers crave for fashion and speed. Becoming one of the snubs is likely to be a new way of identifying one another. Join the snubs or it would create generation gap between you and the youngsters.