In 1970, his father rented a computer and he precociously rewrote its software.
That turkey doesn't just precociously jump out of the nest like this one - the Thanksgiving turkey.
Precociously gifted, Schjerfbeck was 11 when she entered the Finnish Art Society's drawing school.
Vines may bear fruit precociously, and production should be controlled on young vines to prevent delays in establishment.
The ones who grew up in New York seemed to take it all in stride and precociously had a sense of their breaking point and breezily steered well clear of it.
In the final, West German manager Helmut Schon knew exactly who England's danger man was and assigned a young yet precociously talented Franz Beckenbauer to a man-marking role.
As a precociously gifted schoolboy Achebe thrived in the colonial education system and enjoyed reading the English literary Canon, even if Africans rarely fared well in its stories.