Cut the legs off your jeans and cut them open along the inside seam. Lay them flat on the table.
Shift your focus back to the Open 18 application introduced in "Seamless JSF, Part 2: Conversations with Seam."
将重点重新放到“无缝集成jsf,第2部分:借助Seam进行对话”中所介绍的Open 18应用程序。
Press the seam open and carefully align the underlay before pinning the right sides together.
Press seams open using a seam roll. For hard-to-reach seam allowances on collars and lapels, press them open over a point presser.
I can open the seam.
Basing on the theory of single forming, the mathematical model of progressive forming of open-seam pipes is established.
The gloves is returned; though having been broken at seam, they appear to have been torn open by some unusual force.