1 词典释义:
allow base
时间: 2025-01-31 20:41:38
英 [əˈlaʊ beɪs]
美 [əˈlaʊ beɪs]


  • This will allow the base contracts in one level in the hierarchy to refer to contracts in a different level.


  • The code-generation features of the tool allow you easily to generate base code that you can then customize.


  • The main value of this database is to allow for checking the code base periodically for regression or the introduction of errors as development proceeds.


  • Fragmented and perilously fragile, this was the key that would allow Blenkin, waiting impatiently back at his base, to begin unlocking a mystery over half a century old.


  • Consuming food along with alcohol causes it to be absorbed more slowly, since a valve at the base of the stomach closes to allow for digestion before sending it along.


  • As the code base grows, these tests allow developers to integrate changes with confidence.


  • The women get up in the middle of the night to walk 2km to the nearest pumping station, where someone has removed a couple of brick from the base to allow a steady flow of water to pour out.


  • These advantages, and use of robotic devices, will allow for a rapid build-up of lunar base facilities as well as world-wide coordination of exploration and development efforts.


  • It has an electromagnet at the base which allow to shift the weight and keep it in an upright position.


  • Flex components that extend the Flex UIComponent base class allow you to set common styles as properties inline-in other words, within the MXML component declaration tag (see Listing 1).

    扩展了Flex UIComponent基类的Flex组件允许作为内联属性设置常见样式—换言之,即在MXML组件声明标签内(参见清单1)。

  • All of these tags allow Google Base to make RSS structured, whilst preserving its basic capability.

    这些标签使得Google Base在保留rss基本功能的基础上把RSS结构化。

  • If you need to allow more content structures than the base types allow, you can specialize directly from topic, or form your own base type.


  • If you unzip to a drive d:, and allow the original directory structure to be created, you will end up with a base path of d: \ emacs-20.7, where d: is the drive on which you unpacked the distribution.

    如果将该文件解压缩到驱动器d:,并且允许按文件的原始目录结构创建,则基本路径为d: \ emacs - 20.7,其中d:是该分发版在解压缩后所在的驱动器。

  • This ability is important because some cmis repositories don't allow you to create instances of the base type cmis: folder or cmis: document.

    这种功能很重要,因为部分cm is知识库不允许您创建基础类型cm is: folder或者cm is: document的实例。

  • Since OpenSim is open source you can extend the code base and include new functions to allow integration with enterprise systems, products, or other virtual spaces.

    OpenSim 是开放源码的,所以可以扩展代码基,增加新功能,支持与企业系统、产品或其他虚拟空间的集成。

  • The rule allow some obviously invalid derivations (that is, restriction allows more than base).


  • In this output, none of the users or groups have base permissions to allow read, write, or execute.


  • You can also export the mining base if you want to move the results to another machine or to allow someone else to examine the results.


  • You can define a base set of tags for whatever your application needs, and then allow customers to add their own data into the file, in their own namespace, without disturbing your tree.


  • An unusual example from Bangladesh is "floating gardens" - using a base of aquatic weeds to grow vegetables - which allow cultivation in waterlogged and flooded areas.


  • The reduction implemented will allow the Company to continue support of its growing customer base with improved service and continued product enhancements, while at the same time conserving cash.


  • These changes will allow us to continue to support our growing customer base with improved service and continued product enhancements, while at the same time conserving cash.


  • First, they allow you to compare your code base to others along several dimensions.


  • This is where the computing comes in. Computers allow individual genomes-all 3 billion base pairs of them-to be compared.


  • These trenches will allow spilled metal to access the hole rather than being blocked when a "plinth" block or piece of brick is set on the base to hold the crucible.


  • The change also would protect consumers and allow local shops to expand outside their traditional customer base, the council members argue.


  • Does a country like China with its large population base, allow you to make larger steps forward?

