Bowman's new bird was a sleeker update.
By 1997, Walkmans really were becoming much sleeker.
The side fairing is smoother for a sleeker appearance.
The good: Slimmer and sleeker looking than the original Kindle;
Sleeker than the original: A third of an inch thick and 10 ounces.
Then came a redesign that made the Malibu sleeker and more comfortable.
Most obviously, they have become smaller, sleeker, smarter and more versatile.
Keeping the belt the same color as the dress will make a sleeker, more understated look.
The bikes they had rode in Europe were lighter, sleeker, and were much more fun to ride.
After switching back to the sleeker white one, I still did alright, catching a wave or two.
Detail design changes give the Range Rover a sleeker profile with concealed front door hinges.
The result is more in proportion with the side of the car and gives the body colour areas a sleeker appearance.
Sleeker technologies are now in the works, and experts are hoping that this year's fiasco will speed the pace of innovation.
Then he fired up the jets on his new, smaller and sleeker, wingsuit to perform the loopings before landing safely with a parachute
OPEN-OUTCRY trading is supposed to be a quaint, outdated practice, rapidly being replaced by sleeker, cheaper electronic systems.
She is blonder and sleeker and now speaks excellent English, all a result of six years as the public face of an international company.
It has timed its push to take advantage of regional airlines' desire to replace traditional, noisy turbo-prop aircraft with sleeker, faster small jets.
With a little more development and a sleeker design (maybe in sunglasses?) this product would no doubt have its place within any geek's gadget collection.
These were notable survivors of a traumatic liberalisation in the 1990s. They emerged sleeker, more competitive and lusting for new markets for their exports.
It got a brand facelift with a new logo and sleeker packaging, but Pepsi was not immune to the tough climate for carbonated beverages, particularly in the U.S..
Two decades after its birth, the World Wide Web is in decline, as simpler, sleeker services - think apps - are less about the searching and more about the getting.
See what happens when storytelling meets the newest technology with the CNN app for Symbian smartphones - a smarter, sleeker way to experience a world of news and insights.
Welcome improvements to aesthetics, more functional industrial design, better graphics and longer battery life. Sleeker than the original: A third of an inch thick and 10 ounces.
Going a step further, if you adopt the simpler and sleeker practice of writing test functions (as described above), then your tests will at least work under both py.test and nose.
更进一步,如果采用简单的做法编写测试函数(如上所述),那么测试至少能够在py . test和nose中运行。
The free browser, called "Chrome," is being promoted as a sleeker, faster, safer and reliable alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which is used by about 75 percent of Web surfers now.