Without a central registry, each business unit must define and meet commitments for services provided to other divisions.
The central registry shall draw the attention of individual Members to regular notification requirements which remain unfulfilled.
Therefore I am advocating a central registry where all insulin samples can be based and analyzed in Europe so that everything can be measured in one place under very strict quality controls.
Such a central place is called a registry.
There is no central user registry that would support single sign-on for computer systems across the campus.
These code tables are extracted from a central metadata registry of data common and put into a format of XSL "variables" that are imported into the XSLT 2.0 file.
这些编码表是从中心元数据登记系统中提取的,并以xsl“变量”的形式导入XSLT 2.0文件中。
You can use WebSphere Service Registry and Repository as a central repository for all service-related metadata in an SOA.
您可以将 WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 作为 SOA 中所有服务相关的元数据的中央存储库使用。
A service registry is established as a central part of the surrounding infrastructure and is used by service owners and designers to.
As the integration point for service metadata, Registry and Repository establishes a central point for finding and managing service metadata.
作为服务元数据的集成点,Registry and Repository建立了用于查找和管理服务元数据的集中位置。