Design and construction as well as management of the acoustic barrier system is introduced.
The Influence of the Green Barrier System to the Agricultural Products Export Trade in China;
近年来 ,我国农产品出口屡屡受到国外技术性贸易壁垒的制约。
The conceptual design of "multi-barrier system", man-made and natural barriers, is adopted for disposal repository in the scheme.
The most important part of converter transformer insulation is the valve side outlet device, which consists of bushing and surrounding barrier system.
Conclusion The National Standards for Environment and Facility should be followed when laboratory animal barrier system facilities were built or refitted.
Clay barrier system is usually situated in the multi physical-chemical processes due to coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical effects including pollutant transport.
According to isolating level, experimental animal facilities are divide four kinds, and they're isolating system, barrier system, sub barrier system, and open system.
Based on the enlightenment and our actual situation, we also do some research in how to break through the foreign trade barriers and perfect our own technical trade barrier system.
Giving out a basic introduction about the performance testing requirement of medical device sterilization packaging which includes sterilization barrier system and protective packaging system.
Using SPF(Specific pathogen free)animals as the breeding stock and adopting synthesize preventive measure, the experiment mouse and rat of clean grade were reared in barrier system for 2 years.
In 2006, severe bleaching struck the southern part of Australia's Great Barrier reef, the largest coral reef system in the world.
If the cells did cross the placental barrier, the child's immune system should have recognised them as foreign invaders and destroyed them.
It is enclosed by the blood-retina barrier, keeping viruses in and the immune system mostly out.
For instance, the railway operators have insisted that their system can admit 60 passengers a minute through each ticket barrier.
In the second stage the parasites cross the blood-brain barrier to infect the central nervous system.
But conservation efforts in this unique eco-system - which serves as a natural barrier to future cyclones - are inadequate.
We’ve shown that a natural system could be exploited to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier.
'We've shown that a natural system could be exploited to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier.
The paint system on any boat is an important first barrier against corrosion.
The lack of a safe, efficient delivery system for DNA has been a major barrier to clinical use of gene therapy.
So, we have one, two, barriers as compared to a single barrier for a BWR system.
This system imposes great difficulties on the free movement of architects and engineers between states, and is a substantial barrier for foreign service-suppliers.
Its obstacle avoiding system uses the acceleration sensor to measure whether the robot has fallen across the barrier, which prevents the robot from being destroyed.
The barrier function of human beings and mammals, formed during their evolution and in the process of adaptation to the environment, is regulated by nervous system.
While the identity authentication technology are network security and information system security the first barrier, it is time network information security technology a very important research field.
English language has no simple sound-symbol correspondence system, which poses a major barrier in the vocabulary acquisition.
It has broken down the impassable barrier between the deterministic system and the stochastic system.