The company might be very optimistic, but the ability of their machine to detect deception has not provided credible proof.
Bedding is not provided, so bring a sleeping bag.
Create a unique id for the widget, if not provided.
The product is not provided in extracted form in the media.
So far, however, biology has not provided a blueprint for solutions.
Some features that are not provided in the AIX version of Samba are.
Remarkably, Microsoft has not provided a simple upgrade path for them.
If your name is not provided, the application will return "Hello, buddy!"
如果您没有输入您的名字,这个应用将会返回“Hello, buddy !”
Where this facility is not provided, technology can still provide a workaround.
The More Info button will be disabled when collector documentation is not provided.
如果收集器没有可用文档,这个 More Info 按钮将禁用。
In this case, the login prompt is not provided by the system on the OS messages console.
Implementations for the other two storage options are not provided, but you can easily add them.
The only difference is that the navigation links for a page are not provided beyond the first level.
Food is not provided except when ordered in advance if clients book one of the two larger meeting rooms.
When you optimize a project for mobile devices, the option for selecting a project theme is not provided.
As you can see in Listing 2, only the transtext parameter is designed to prompt if a value is not provided.
These studies have not provided evidence that RF exposure from the transmitters increases the risk of cancer.
In case a virtual shard id map is not provided (it is optional), it is defaulted to the physical shard id map.
However, doing so requires the ability to specify an XPath dynamically, which is not provided for in XSLT 1.0.
但是这样做需要能够动态指定XPath,而XSLT 1.0没有提供这种能力。
It was their sixth reported conversation since the crisis began, but the Pentagon has not provided any details.
But the boomers have not provided enough for their old age. And the credit crunch has made the sums look even worse.
The center, which has not provided its name, uses non-intrusive Japanese technology to help the body break down fat.
This kind of mapping is not provided out-of-the-box, but you can create a customized URL mapper implementation class.
此类映射并不是以即时可用的方式提供的,不过,您可以创建一个自定义的 URL 映射器实现类。
Nothing may be prevented which is not forbidden by law, and no one may be forced to do anything not provided for by law.
The Armonk, N.Y.-based company has confirmed recent layoffs but has not provided any specifics on the number of people affected.
Our history books have not provided very balanced and comprehensive interpretations. That's why I think we should restudy history.