Then the cocoa-nuts would be ripe for picking, and her Cousins (like all the natives, Ata had a host of relatives) would swarm up the trees and throw down the big ripe nuts.
Swarm-works have opened up not only a new writing space for us but a new thinking space.
These rules add up to another kind of swarm intelligence-one that has less to do with making decisions than with precisely coordinating movement.
But complex swarm systems with rich hierarchies take time to boot up.
Swarm-works have opened up not only a new writing space for us, but a new thinking space.
When a swarm is detected, the scientists will scoop up a few dozen insects and glue little reflectors on their backs.
The High-Powered Microwave, as it is called, is reported by Aviation Week to be powerful enough to disable all of the motors in a swarm of up to 30 speedboats.
When the situation cleared up, they would swarm back, spread their tattered pieces of cloth and put their things on display.
一当事态平息,她们就又一窝蜂地蹿回来了,铺开一块块破布,把她们的货品拿出来 一 一 摆在上面。
The fish just come up and start nibbling your feet, and then eventually you get a pretty big swarm of them biting in between your toes and on the dead skin.
All the thousand, thousand tents in the camp were ablaze: sparks pouring up into the dark night sky like fiery fountains, blowing like a swarm of fireflies to carry the disaster onward.
If you work in marketing or advertising, you'll be trying to come up with that brilliant concept that will bring in a swarm of customers.
In just a few hours a massive concentration of plankton builds up, a swarm so thick it turns the water cloudy.
By using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), a model was built up for calculating the optimum dispersion height of intrusive submunition dispenser, and mathematical simulation was carried out.
Collectively, they will form an intelligent swarm, talking to each other for the purposes of navigation, but also reporting back to a central hub to help build up a picture of what's happening.
Swarm intelligence highlights the simplicity of individuals, emergent property of the colony and bottom-up research strategies.
The particle swarm optimization speeded up the evolution process, and improved the convergence speed and accuracy.
They are meant to burrow and move up ahead of the swarm to soften up their opponent's forces.
Up to now the U. S. rush to buy, or cutting up and swarm, the trend of the stock market, and Vietnam lacks both.
Of course, the hornets aren't going to give up their nest without a fight. If you knock a nest down, a large swarm of hornets will come flying out, so be careful.
Have analytic personage concern, Everybody likes ground of like a swarm of bees to go up.
The Swarm of Spiders (and the later Rat Swarm) didn't live up to those expectations.
When food supplies are low, these ants will swarm in sizes of up to 50 million single ants.
A swarm of army ants can be up to 20 million strong!