Martin was enough of a nuisance in the Viva La Vida sessions, it seems, that Eno wrote the band a letter before agreeing to work with them again.
Martin在Viva La Vida(Coldplay最近发布的一张专辑)录音期间是个让人讨厌的家伙,看上去Brain Eno在同意再和乐队合作之前写了一封信给他们。
n. 生命万岁;为生命喝彩;生命无上;(Viva la Vida)酷玩乐队的歌曲
Martin was enough of a nuisance in the Viva La Vida sessions, it seems, that Eno wrote the band a letter before agreeing to work with them again.
Martin在Viva La Vida(Coldplay最近发布的一张专辑)录音期间是个让人讨厌的家伙,看上去Brain Eno在同意再和乐队合作之前写了一封信给他们。