1 词典释义:
screen tests
时间: 2025-03-19 19:07:06


  • Each screen was visible for only a fraction of a second, so the children didn't have time to count the dots.Each series of tests consisted of dozens of screens.


  • Each screen was visible for only a fraction of a second, so the children didn't have time to count the dots. Each series of tests consisted of dozens of screens.


  • The tests described here were created in under 30 minutes, taking screen shots as we progressed.

    这里描述的测试可以在 30 分钟内创建,并可以在进行中抓拍屏幕快照。

  • Develop and promote screen capture, video recording, and other software that makes tests easier to run.


  • The screen shot in Figure 3 shows the coverage data produced by running the tests on one solution.


  • A successful run displays all of the tests in JUnitEE TestRunner view, as depicted by Figure 2 the screen shows different ways to execute your unit test.

    一次成功的运行将在JUnitEE TestRunner窗口中显示所有的测试,如图2所描述的。这个屏幕显示了执行您的单元测试的不同方法。

  • It provides a wide range of tests, including testing for broken images, testing layouts in multiple screen sizes, viewing cookie information, and validating mark-up.


  • But the Robot works with screen coordinates instead of Swing component references, so using it directly in tests will make the tests fragile, meaning any change in layout will break them.


  • In their tests, researchers incorporated the graphene electrodes into a fully functional touch-screen panel, where they outperformed standard ITO electrodes.


  • Whenever the screen layout changes in the slightest way, the tests break.


  • During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still.


  • Doctors use several tools to screen for colon cancer and precancerous lesions, including blood tests and imaging technologies such as X-rays and CT scans (also known as "virtual" colonoscopies).

    医生运用几种措施筛查结肠癌以及癌前期病变,包括血液检测以及如x 线和CT筛查(也称虚拟结肠镜)的影像学手段。

  • During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and.


  • The screen grading tests for determining the rational amount of starch to be added and the tests for observing the effect of the ingredient of starch and other additives are conducted.


  • Aimed at the characteristic of horizontal well, combined with large amount of laboratory tests, double-wall pre-packed gravel screen is developed.


  • According to the difficulties of water well repairing and gravel-filling for horizontal well, porcelain granule pre-coated well screen was developed based on a lot of laboratory tests.


  • This paper describes type 1000 ink and its application range determined by a series of trials and tests. The article covers also quality inspection methods of silk screen printing .


  • This paper describes the tests and applications of GPS-900-3 high frequency Fine vibro-screen in Miyun Iron Mine, the Capital Iron and Steel Company.

    本文介绍GPS - 900 - 3型高频振动细筛在首钢密云铁矿选厂的试验结果和应用情况。

  • It tests the algorithm based on developing board of S3C44B0X. Results show that the stability and precision of touch screen system are greatly improved.

    在S3C44 B0 X开发板上进行算法测试,结果证明,用该方法校准的触摸屏系统的稳定性和精度得到很大改善。

  • With the significant economic implications and negative health effects, increasing research is being dedicated to identifying harmful mycotoxins and creating better tests to screen for them.

