1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-12-15 13:19:45
英 [grɑ:f]
美 [grɑf]

n. 河渠;沟;壕

  • Gharib and Graff set themselves the task of raising a 4.5-meter stone column from horizontal to vertical, using no source of energy except the wind.


  • "I don't know," said Graff.


  • "I don't know," said Graff very simply.


  • Graff laser-marks his most expensive stones.


  • Graff promised that he would never be set free.


  • Toys that don't know anything about graff history.


  • It was Colonel Graff and Sister Carlotta at the door.


  • Graff was not so amenable to vision and ideals as usual.


  • This has been devastating for the Stockholm graff scene of today.


  • The findings also make sense biologically, Dr. Graff-Radford says.


  • The signal came. Graff and Sister Carlotta led the way, still a brisk walk.


  • "That's why we won't go into any details," said Graff. "I'll tell you only this much."


  • In -94 I did my "last" train and I was off the whole graff scene between 95-97 for school.

    在- 94我做“最后的”训练,我是从整个格拉夫现场95 - 97之间的学校。

  • The mark-up on Graff pieces can be four times the value of the stones – the highest in the business.


  • It has set a goal of 20% for equipment being installed from 2009, says Chuck Graff, Verizon's director of network technology.

    Verizon网络技术总监Chuck Graff声称自2009年起,使用设备的能耗降低目标将定在20%。

  • But when Bean and his family got up to greet them, Graff held up a hand to stop them and Carlotta put her finger to her lips.


  • "Great Tom Kiefer reference, " strums Jason Graff. "I just want to say I like Cinderella's music and I don't care who knows it.


  • If they had not done so beforehand, the Graff robbers would probably "try and dump them for a fairly low price to somebody with connections," said Levy.


  • It was a tight fit, the six of them in there. Father and Mother ended up standing in the shower while Graff hung a tiny machine from the overhead light.


  • Three additional studies did not find this, and Dr. Graff-Radford suggests those studies may have included enough diabetic patients to skew the results.


  • Laurie and Ken Graff are using the Maize's services on their family farm and ranch in Hondo, Texas, for the seventh year — though they do things a little differently.

    Laurie和Ken Graff在德克萨斯州本州的家庭农场和牧场上使用The Maize所提供的服务,在第七年的时候他们做了一点点变化。

  • "From worms to mammals, this gene controls fat formation," said Jonathan Graff, a developmental biologist at the University of Texas, Southwestern, who led the study.

    研究负责人、得克萨斯大学发育生物学家Jonathan Graff称,“从蠕虫到哺乳动物,这种基因控制脂肪形成。”

  • Laurence Graff, 71, the rags-to-riches owner of the most exclusive global jewellery chain, is the "king of diamonds", buying exclusive stones competitors cannot afford.

    71岁的劳伦斯·格拉夫(Laurence Graff)曾白手起家,现在拥有了全球最高档的珠宝连锁店,被喻为“钻石大王”的他所购买的珠宝是同类竞争者所买不起的。

  • The Graff robbers' London accents could indicate a return of the East End "blagger", for years outdazzled in the robbery stakes by their evocatively named European cousins.

    格拉夫劫匪的伦敦口音可能暗示了东区(East End)“抢劫犯”将再度归来,这些年来,他们的风头被其犯下种种劫案的所谓“欧洲表亲”们悉数抢去。

  • Mother was all for demanding to know the real plan but again, Graff cut off all discussion with a cheerful bellow of, "Let's wait to discuss this until we can do it without Shouting!"


n. 壕,沟;河渠