1 词典释义:
middle names
时间: 2025-02-12 15:52:49

pl-n. 中名(名和姓之间的名字);第二名;别名;绰号;(middle name的复数)

  • Chinese people don't have middle names.


  • People don't use their middle names very much.


  • Louis is the last of William's three middle names.


  • Louis is the last of William's three middle names.


  • Middle names are generally considered to be forenames in these TEI guidelines.

    这些 TEI 规则中中间名通常被看作是名字。

  • Some people just go by the initials of their first and middle names, like B. j.


  • Middle names are often the names of parents, grandparents, or other family members.


  • British people do not use their middle names, but Americans often give the initial: John f.


  • Henson's first and middle names are of Swahili origin, meaning "hope" and "love", respectively.


  • The consolation is that most children grow into their names, and those who don't can always fall back on middle names, nicknames.


  • Prompted by the "Charlie Bill" and "Billy Van" bit, a group of us took to calling one another by our middle names or, in the case of J.


  • Sometimes a baby is given two middle names: for example, a girl will be given the names of both her grandmothers, or a boy will be given the names of both his grandfathers.


  • Will we spend our middle years searching for car keys and forgetting names?


  • We're singing below middle C and the ladies are singing up an octave but that's still monophonic texture-- those notes have the same names.


  • Addressing the envelope: the name and address must appear in the middle of the envelope. Titles are always used with names.


  • The names of the mummies have not been determined, but the tomb is thought to be that of a middle-class official.


  • If a name is declared global, then all references and assignments go directly to the middle scope containing the module's global names.


  • educing names to [a final presentation] format requires hand-tuning, as when the middle name "O'Flynn" reduces to "O'F.", or knowing that "Willard van Orman Quine" is properly "Quine, W.V.O."

    将姓名缩写成[最终表示的]格式需要手工调整,比如中间名“O'Flynn”缩写为“O'F.”,或者知道“Willard van Orman Quine”是“Quine, W.V.O.”的完整形式。

  • If a name is declared global, then all references and assignments go directly to the middle scope containing the module's global names.


  • The father of a 3-year old boy and soon to bemarried, he had been one of the most familiar names in the business in recentyears, covering conflicts in Africa, the Middle East and Africa.

    作为一个三岁男孩的父亲,他近期即将步入婚姻殿堂。 由于近几年持续报道了非洲冲突、中东非洲冲突,他的大名在业内已拔得头筹。

  • If the field names in your entity beans exactly match the column names in your tables, then WebSphere Studio's meet-in-the-middle mapping wizard can complete this job in a matter of minutes.

    如果实体bean上的字段名与表中的列名严格匹配,那么WebSphere Studio的meet - in - the - middle映射向导能够在大约几分钟内完成这项工作。

  • If a name is declared global then all references and assignments go directly to the middle scope containing the module's global names.


  • Chinese people usually have two word or three word names: the family name, a middle name and the last name.


  • Besides, It makes use of a lot of place names of the Middle Ages and ancient Celtic language.


  • More recently, a broader range of names have been used, and people named Thi sometimes omit their middle name.


  • Middle name - the part of a person's name occurring between the first and family names, as a second given name.


  • In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be.

