A song of ascents. Of David.
Date and time, total time, number of ascents.
The book is full, you will see, of a number of descents and ascents.
None-the-less I have been pretty successful in my recent ascents.
I really looked up to people who did first ascents and put up things in lots of different styles.
You often hear a lot of people try to take away other climbers' ascents because he or she "had" to lose weight to send the route.
Individuals will need to make up their own minds about whether alpine-style ascents of the same objectives are feasible at the current time.
As with the shuttle, Orion astronauts will practice ascents in a full-motion simulator that forces them to make quick decisions about whether or not to abort a mission.
He moved around the academic world relatively little, and his favourite pastime was mountaineering, in which he achieved a number of first ascents by sheer, dogged persistence.
"Everybody knows me throughout the world for my ascents climbing free solo without using safety devices, just with my bare hands, but this time the game was a bit different," Robert said.