We can communicate with the outside world by email and satellite phone.
It’s like doing war reporting without a flak jacket or satellite phone.
But Buffett was out west in Montana and hard to reach by satellite phone.
It's one of the most popular makes of satellite phone on the market.
And the only way they could talk with officials was by satellite phone.
British soldier talks on a satellite phone in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
She has a satellite phone for emergencies, but will also use it to update her Twitter account.
They wrote "call us" on flimsy cardboard and waved at a satellite phone, ignoring the radio.
Some of the islands were cut off, and the only way they could talk with officials was by satellite phone.
Satellite phone calls are routed directly from one handheld unit to another, or to a terrestrial network.
It sounded to me like he was speaking on a satellite phone; I pictured him crouched in the body of a small plane.
It was the last rebel message, probably conveyed by satellite phone, known to have been broadcast from the battlefield.
Bajaj, meanwhile, told India's NDTV television by satellite phone that he had planted the Indian flag at the North Pole.
与此同时,巴贾杰通过卫星电话告诉印度ND TV电视台,他将印度的国旗插在了北极。
Like the metal detectors, the fire detectors will alert the rangers by satellite phone, allowing them to swoop as from nowhere.
His armored train is decked out with conference rooms, an audience chamber, bedrooms, satellite phone connections, and flat screen TVs.
The other Malaysian crew member was said to have received instructions by satellite phone on where to rendezvous at sea to pick up the cargo.
A spokesman for Jordan Romero said the boy's team called him by satellite phone from the summit of the world's highest mountain, 29, 035 feet above sea level.
Jordan Romero的发言人称,Jordan的队在世界最高峰——高于海平面29,035英尺通过卫星电话联系他。
The two-year-old boat seemed structurally sound and was loaded with new emergency equipment: a life raft, a flare kit, two radios, flashing beacons, and a satellite phone.
Mobile and landline phone services were lost, and for more than 48 hours it was only possible to make contact on satellite phones, although many of these had also been lost.
"It's been a stressful two weeks, not knowing when they would start, but they called last night by satellite phone to say they had finally got a plane to the pole," Christine said.
“这是紧张的两周,不知道他们何时开始,但昨天晚上他们打来了卫星电话,说终于有了飞往南极点的飞机。” 克里斯汀说。
The glider returns periodically to the surface to radio its data back to base, or if that's too far away, it can call a satellite phone and send its information anywhere in the world.
Jordan Romero's mother, Leigh Anne Drake, said her son had called her by satellite phone from the summit of the world's highest mountain, 29-thousand and 35 feet (8, 850 metres) above sea level.
Jordan Romero's mother, Leigh Anne Drake, said her son had called her by satellite phone from the summit of the world's highest mountain, 29-thousand and 35 feet (8,850 metres) above sea level.
It's now a "global village" where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link.
TV subscribers are ditching their cable companies at an ever faster rate in the past few months, and many of them aren't signing up with a satellite or phone competitor instead.
These cable, phone and satellite companies showed a combined gain of 66,700 video subscribers, or a 0.3 percent increase at an annualized rate, about a third the growth of the population.