1 词典释义:
separate part
时间: 2025-01-02 10:04:08
英 [ˈsɛp(ə)rət pɑːt]
美 [ˈsɛp(ə)rət pɑrt]


  • However, they are dealt with by a separate part of the bank.


  • They have put into a separate part of the text.


  • ‘I really believe that it was a very separate part of their lives, ’ said his cousin Jane.


  • Each separate part of the city is inevitably stained with the peculiar sentiments of its population.


  • Each separate part is tested, then a whole assembly, for example, a complete wing, and finally the whole aeroplane.


  • Butthey are obviously deceived in this connection, for they dream of individuals, each having its own separate part of the essence.


  • The entire project is seen as a separate part of the existing house and can allow at all times a reversible intervention if necessary.


  • In preparation for her impending departure, the bride-to-be retreated from the ordinary routine and lived in seclusion in a separate part of the house with her closest friends.


  • Researchers from Norway scanned the brains of volunteers as they completed navigation tasks to discover men are more adept at finding their way because they use a separate part of their brain.


  • Researchers 5 from Norway scanned the brains of volunteers as they completed navigation tasks to discover men are more adept at finding their way because they use a separate part of their brain.


  • The Chinese need to show more, directly to the character set in a separate part of the whole circuit of the control circuit, so the whole system of Chinese character coding SCM has become simplified.


  • The unit has become part of a larger department and no longer exists as a separate entity.


  • Actually, you are part of them and not separate from them at all, but we are now speaking multidimensionally, i.e. on a level of consciousness that is outside of your linear framework of time.


  • Practically side-by-side in time, discovered in separate observations made as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, are compact but bright objects known as quasars.


  • This is a classic example of a crosscutting requirement: it isn't part of our mainline business logic, but is a separate concern.


  • Under this structure, the operating part of the company and the overseas listed part technically are two completely separate entities.


  • This means that rather than running as a separate process, the database engine software can be part of the application so that the application and the database engine run in the same JVM.

    这意味着该数据库引擎软件并不是作为单独的进程运行,而是可以包含在应用程序中,以便该应用程序和数据库引擎在同一 JVM 中运行。

  • Data that would otherwise have to be encoded in the SOAP message is instead transmitted as raw binary data in a separate MIME part.


  • Citigroup has stuck its nastiest bits, including consumer loans and toxic securities, into a separate division, but the hard part lies ahead.


  • Please note that when the trail part of the record is printed it is printed on a separate line.


  • And part of being a teen is developing your own identity - one that is separate from your parents'.


  • To help you understand these concepts, we decided to dedicate a separate article to each functional part.


  • Regular expressions and wildcards are separate sections in Part VI.


  • Please note that the AUT Agent is currently not part of the Eclipse Indigo package and requires a separate download.

    请注意,AUT Agent目前并不是Eclipse Indigo包的一部分,需要单独下载。

  • These pathways all talk to each other. You can think of them not as separate, but as part of a larger network of pathways that are communicating and working in concert.


  • Your will is the ego part of you that believes you're separate from others, separate from what you'd like to accomplish or have, and separate from God.


  • A T2 driver has a native component that is part of the driver, but separate from the data access API.


  • The binary data that forms the attachment itself is separate from the SOAP message body so it is not parsed as part of a message, eliminating an expensive processing overhead.

