Firstly, the definition of complex electrical power system dissymmetric fault and traditional analyzing method is given.
Statistical information exists in real economic activities and is useful, but it is imperfect, unbalanced and dissymmetric.
Because the dissymmetric information and the distinct liable risk, agent has the motive and probability to damnify the behalf of owner.
Because of its unique stereochemical properties, the axially dissymmetric biaryls have been studied with great interesting since 1970s.
The congestion of the nozzle causes dissymmetric jet expansion and affects the mixing process, so that it is unfavorable for controlling the jet stability.
Excessive convexity, severe wedge, dissymmetric convexity and partial protrusion will result in sticking of sheets during annealing in the bell-type furnace.
The basic working principle of network time protocol is introduced, and the network time delay is analyzed simply in the case of symmetrical and dissymmetric network path.
The method that near-UV CD spectrum served as useful probes to provide the information of dissymmetric environments of aromatic residues and disulfur bonds is also introduced briefly.
Nonlinear multiple regression model on the structure activity relationship of ternary dissymmetric organic phosphate insecticide is obtained by quadratic polynomial stepwise regression method.