The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.
The status of the various spent fuel stashes is not clear, which is disturbing.
Luthiers are obsessive about their wood and often accumulate huge stashes of it.
Luthiers are obsessive about their wood and often accumulate huge stashes of it .
The rich especially the older rich will bemoan the great refuge for secret stashes.
The idea is that the dogs may be able to alert police to large stashes of pirated movies.
The cart contains stashes of whisky which is very valuable and has to be saved till the end.
For the past decade or more, emerging economies have accumulated large stashes of foreign exchange.
Some, he stashes in the cold ground for the lean days ahead. In this harsh environment, staying alive means being as clever as a fox.
It's also a good time to sort photos, computer files, fabric stashes, and anything else that has accumulated over the other months of the year.
Flux_Diii. net: jay's said they will get larger, too. stashes, I mean. during the course of the game. same as the inv gets larger when you find more bags.
Jay 说随着游戏的进行,储物箱会不断变大。就像你找到背包能让你的背囊更大一样。