Soil samples from these pens or corrals show ten times the concentration of phosphorus.
Artificial ponds yielded fish, and corrals held deer and other game flushed from the forest.
Use: Primary use is corrals and penning for high pressure areas for large cattle, buffalo and horses.
This can also be constructed for corrals, can be "rigged" to the sheep, but sheep manure long cycle is very long.
In some Australian species, the attending ants even build thatched or earthen corrals to contain the caterpillars.
On a moonlit night, herders bring the reindeer into temporary tarp-enclosed corrals called gárdi to separate the pregnant females from the rest.
Some 500 iguanas roam trees and pathways near corrals for peccaries, flamingos, mountain goats and peacocks. Cages house toucans and spider monkeys.
One winter the rains were particularly heavy, and the cows in the corrals were up to their bellies in muck, unable to lie down and forced to sleep standing up.
Workmen put up the gate-posts that were to shut off the side streets when the bulls were released from the corrals and came running through the streets in the morning on their way to the ring.
In some Australian species, the attending ants even build thatched or earthen corrals to contain the caterpillars. By day the caterpillars are protected from predators by the corral and the ants.