So, what evidence of a liquid water environment did we find in rock samples taking from the oldest rocks on Earth?
Round the world he went, to Nigeria, Australia, the Arctic, India, taking thousands of blood samples, hoping something would show up.
Researchers took blood samples from 16 beginners taking their first week of yoga classes.
But it would involve taking samples from some of the world's greatest masterpieces, which is not ideal.
Both tests rely on taking routine blood samples from patients and then analyzing the blood for markers of the virus or of immune system functioning.
Taking the example of designing classifier in intrusion detection system, the selection of training samples for classifier is studied.
This paper makes a pragmatic study on discount rate of H share, taking 16 dual listing corporations on A and H share market as samples by means of the fixed effect model.
Multispectral analysis reveals each successive layer of colour, and enables the pigments and pigment mixtures of each pixel to be identified without taking physical samples.
Finally, taking data from CAE as samples; the BP neural network of warping-shrinkage prediction model is established by designing the network structure and selection of learning algorithm.
But reaching the lake and taking samples involves a mission that pushes the boundaries of engineering skill and ingenuity.
Luis Cuevas of the World Health Organization and the University of Liverpool in England and colleagues, taking two "spot" samples in the clinic an hour apart, and a third one the next day.
The milk should be tested within 8 hours of taking the sample. Bulk tank samples should not contain any milk that is more than 8 hours old.
Taking 18 sets of parameter data of underground mine as training and testing samples, the ratio of mis-discrimination is 0.
At last taking satellite image segmentation as samples, the efficiency of new algorithm is proved.
Results of tests for soil samples taking from Runyang great bridge demonstrated that the application of the method is recommendable.
Taking different point of sediment samples of Tangyu reservoir in Xi 'an City as an example. Study about the distribution characteristics of nitrogen-phosphorus forms.
SLC uses a multiplayer network to estimate the distribution function of the training samples and obtains density by taking derivative.
Then taking loess samples with different densities and moisture contents, the coefficient of thermal conductivity and specific volume heat of loess are tested.
We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are taking the liberty to ask you to send us some samples of the advertised products.
For schools that choose the low-tech way to fight plagiarism, taking in-class writing samples is one of the easiest solutions.
The verifications shall be made by way of taking random samples from the declaration documents in the current month and past months.
We used cross-sectional data from random urban population samples of 7559 men and 7471 women aged 45-69 years, and not taking antihypertensive medication, from Russia, Poland and Czech Republic.
It also included verification of previously tagged equipment, application of seals and tags, taking samples and discussions with the site personnel regarding past and present activities.