Meanwhile, Gloria arranges a play date for Dandy.
For parents, it can feel like a play date with a lot riding on it.
Karen arranges a "play date" with someone Hanks own age during a dinner party at her house.
Ross and Ben have a play date with the stripper from the bachelor party, which makes Rachel jealous.
It was a pity play date. And of course this means. Rachel won't be attending Juanita'sbirthday party.
You want to project that you are a business woman, and not look like a mom coming to a meeting from your child's play date.
AMY CHUA: "Attend a sleepover, have a play date, watch TV or play computer games, be in a school play, get any grade less than an A."
The days when children roamed the neighborhood and played with whomever they wanted to until the streetlights came on disappeared long ago, replaced by the scheduled play date.
以前孩子们在街区自由自在地闲逛,想和谁玩就和谁玩,街灯亮起了才肯回家。 这样的好日子早已经一去不返啦。
Do small, practical, caring things for yourself: Listen to a song that helps you grieve, schedule a play date with your best friend, wrap a soft blanket around yourself and let the tears come.
If your date is willing to play a game, practice a little flirting over the friendly competition.
I hope you'll understand when I tell you I think I have to live alone (or stop seeing you, or whatever it is you need) and maybe play with (see, date) other people now.
If you can't find a date on an old bottle of sunscreen, play it safe and throw it away.
TheITC shall contain the declaration that the holder is free to play within aspecific association as from a certain date.
Play with the sample application to see for yourself how much fun calculating any date can be with Joda.
尝试操作一下样例应用程序,亲自体验一下使用 Joda 计算任何日期是多么有趣。
Just be careful not to beat your date too badly at whatever video game you decide to play.
Some of it is role play - like being on a date.
She wondered if they would date if she left Frank, and started to play various scenarios over and over in her mind.
Steve Carell and Tina Fey play a nice, unassuming couple in Date Night, and that's one of the reasons the movie works so well.
And even after committing to keep your computer up to date, can you play from anywhere?
Date and Time play an important role in globalized apps too.
Some of it is role play -like being on a date.
The play-date went so well I invited her children to our house to watch television.
Your relationship could be misconstrued as a power play - date me, or you won't get that promotion.
Gasol and Jackson said a more realistic return date is next Wednesday when the Lakers play host to the Portland Trail Blazers.