In fact, we have already gotten an example to verify this claim.
To claim their listing, businesses can verify ownership via telephone or postal mail.
If you have adequate financial records, you're prepared for an audit, prepared to apply for a home loan, and prepared to verify anything that anyone might claim.
Be sure to call your insurance agent as soon as possible and verify what is required to file a claim.
CNN has not been able to independently verify the information, but snapshots of the Web pages appear to back up the claim.
When an API method like claim is invoked, an authorization check is performed to verify whether this user is allowed to perform the action.
So I phoned his office to verify this claim.
The I Phone 5 involved in Ma's death is under investigation, and we cannot verify her claim until the results are out.
马爱伦使用的手机是iPhone 5,目前案件还在调查中,在结果出来之前无法验证死者姐姐的话。
Please verify that the doors are closed; verify a claim.
An impact analysis, conducted by an external service provider, will verify this claim in the final stage of the project.