If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help.
So was born the echo-sounding apparatus, now in general use in ships.
Those made by his firm use advanced laser-fluorescence technology: more accurate, simpler, cheaper and more robust, he says, than the gas-chromatography apparatus in common use so far.
Each command within the vast Defense Department apparatus is given a series of two-letter groupings that they can use for their operations’ two-word sobriquets.
Each command within the vast Defense Department apparatus is given a series of two-letter groupings that they can use for their operations' two-word sobriquets.
Your membership fee is for use of the apparatus; it's not a maid service.
Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus for use with a full face mask, half mask or a mouthpiece assembly - Requirements, testing, marking.
Let me tell you how to use this medical apparatus.
This is a 1.5 m long hollow cylinder apparatus, can use the elevator shuttle to hydraulic excavator through food channel.
It is concluded that some attentions must be paid in the design, installation and use of flameproof electrical apparatus.
Several Apparatus for measurement of coatings thickness and their use were introduced.
In building sand, stone and mechanism of the breaking of metallurgical slag is obtained universal use, compared with other types of hammer apparatus production with high efficiency.
But in the market alarm apparatus majority of use in some big company fiscal institution.
Especially, the signal generators in different precision are often used for use and maintenance of seismic apparatus.
All apparatus and materials must be returned to their original positions after use.
Lucubrate the precautions, common troubles and troubleshooting methods in correct use of electrician type apparatus for calibrating electric energy meter.
Single pass drilling apparatus, use a one-piece drill bit, method and rock bolt for single pass rock bolting.
Gymnastics, such as somersaults, rolls, and handsprings, performed without the use of specialized apparatus.
Objective: a simple apparatus for volatile oil determination is designed with the use of common glass apparatus in order to refreshen the shortcoming of pharmacopoeia device.
The soil compaction standard should use the compaction apparatus and construction condition al coefficient method, and the compaction degree method is not recommended.
The linearization apparatus designed by this method is in common use. It can be used in thermocouple and resistance thermometers as well as flowmeters by means of orifice plates.
As a result, the calibrated reactor could be employed to isothermal operation, adiabatic operation and isothermal-adiabatic operation, which widened the use range of the apparatus.
Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, whether or not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary USES, including radiography or radiotherapy apparatus.
The whole apparatus designed from the practicality. The use will not have any discomfort.
Safe work procedures in the assembly, and general use of apparatus is important.