In the older days of AIX, you would have modified this database using low-level commands that involved a high degree of risk to the server, where one typo could wreck the operating system.
IDS already has tools for loading and unloading of data. These include the dbimport, dbexport, dbaccess commands (load and unload), High Performance Loader (HPL), and dbload.
IDS还提供一些数据加载和卸载工具,包括:dbimport、dbexport、dbaccess命令(加载和卸载)、High Performance Loader (HPL)和dbload。
These are the sort of lions and tigers of the sea and, unfortunately, they're prized for their shark fin, which commands a high price in the Asian marketplace.
Files within a folder could be renamed using Batch rename, plus a bunch of other helpful commands that made working with a high volume of files much easier.
Expect is a specific, high-level, and general-purpose programming language, with syntax identical to that of Tcl, augmented by a few special-purpose commands Tcl lacks.
AdminTask commands, introduced in WebSphere Application Server V6, provide a set of high level, user friendly, task-oriented wsadmin commands.
AdminTask引入于WebSphere Application Server V6,它提供了一套高级的、用户友好的、面向任务的wsadmin命令。
Standing as it does on a high hill, the church commands a fine view.
Talent, like all rare goods, commands a high price.
The state evolution of low-level controlled plant conduces to event occurrence, whenever high-level discrete event system controller issues corresponding control commands and makes decision.
Today Roberts remains a huge draw at the box office and still commands a very high salary.
The finest jade (apple green in color) commands very high bids at auction.
The design of helical milling holes progams, using macro commands, give full play to the machining center, high-quality, high-precision processing capacity.
Standing as it does on a high hill, the church commands a new view.
Also let us not forget the Cupertino-based firm commands a global legion of loyal users who swear by its devices and services, have relatively high disposable incomes, and a willingness to spend.