The existing structure was located right next to public pathway.
Most of the existing structure was retained and renovated rather than demolished.
The house replaced an existing structure lived in by the current owners for the past 25 years.
The material and color selection of all architectural additions was based on the existing structure.
However, in some cases the existing structure of the data does not map reliably to a proper DITA element.
As it was built on the existing structure, its lowest floor was about 2 meters higher than street level.
As it was built on the existing structure, its lowest floor was about 2 meters higher than street level.
The pole shift proceeds in a predictable fashion, the existing structure of the crust scripting this drama.
A method is proposed to detect damages and assess the status of an existing structure from static test data.
So it is feasible to establish "Auxiliary course of Football Major" in the existing structure of the courses.
This results in a tensile creation pleasing to the eye whilst adding a new dimension to your existing structure.
When subsequently generating code from the model, the folder structure is recreated to reflect the existing structure.
Instead, you're in the much more common position of adding a new technology-data binding-to an existing structure.
Being used for many years, the existing structure differs from original design in performance and load-appearance.
The new spaces have been clearly differentiated from the existing structure by using a specific architectural vocabulary.
A tense balancing act is created by encompassing the existing structure of the old attic and by taking it one step further.
The project is designed as an adaptive reuse project around an existing shed structure, repurposing all of the existing structure.
The existing structure was reinforced and engineered, whilst all existing internal walls and linings were stripped back and removed.
Based on the features of existing structure, the nonstationary random process model of resistance for existing structure is proposed.
Titled 'sensing the waves', the new building creates a ring around the site's existing structure, which has been completely preserved.
Time and again states appear which boldly proclaim that their purpose is to destroy the existing structure and to recast it completely.
From the upper edge of the existing structure, with a depth of 25meters, the new apartments of 8 meter modules stack continuously upwards.
If you need to conform to an existing structure, you might need to make changes to your content to make it fit into the selected structure.
Based on the existing structure of ES for railway subgrade defect diagnosis, an ideal structure of ES for railway subgrade defect diagnosis.
Rather than simply extruding the existing structure we have run the new form along the southern boundary so that it is soaked with sunlight.
In other words, the reliability evaluation of existing structure has already become an important task which our engineering circle is facing.
The primary advantage of this approach is that it lets you incorporate new information into the existing structure by establishing a new facet.
The modeling tool provides the ability to visualize existing code into a UML model, allowing you to investigate the existing structure of the code.
In the engineering practice the method of static load test is usually used to evaluate the capacity and working status of the existing structure.