A documentary filmmaker?
A documentary filmmaker from Greece was interviewing me about my work.
Jon Jefferson is a veteran journalist, writer, and documentary filmmaker.
It tells the story of a documentary filmmaker investigating the life of an elderly actress.
As a documentary filmmaker, he thinks like an indigenous tribesperson struggling to make ends meet.
Tim Hetherington, a British photographer and documentary filmmaker, was also killed and two others were injured.
英国摄影师兼纪录片导演蒂姆·哈瑟林顿(Tim Hetherington)同时遇害,另有两人受伤。
3: Sacred cow: a documentary filmmaker tries to make a statement by leaving a live cow outside of the burger joint.
Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris crisscrossed America asking movie goers and culture-makers a question: "What do movies mean to you?"
He worked in advertising and marketing in Japan before moving to Canada where, for 15 years, he was an award-winning documentary filmmaker.
Not many people are aware of the truth, of things that really happen, so to make a record for the future is the basic duty of a documentary filmmaker.
Before that, the couple had been camped in a public park where they had attracted the attention of a documentary filmmaker and hundreds of people who saw his film on the Web.
When a young documentary filmmaker goes into these tunnels to uncover the unseen stories of the people living below our feet, she finds out that there is more to be afraid of than the dark.
Canadian filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici - who created a documentary on the find with Oscar-winner Cameron - studies the inside of the tomb.
In 2003 he was the subject of a documentary by the British filmmaker Martin Bashir in which he admitted to sleeping in the same room as children at his ranch.
2003年,他参加了英国电影制作人马丁·巴什尔(Martin Bashir)的记录片拍摄。在这部记录片中,他坦承他庄园里的小男孩和他睡同一个房间。
The controversial filmmaker is "seriously considering" turning the devastating storm and its aftermath into a documentary.
FOR the last four years, Roko Belic, a Los Angeles filmmaker, has been traveling the world making a documentary called "Happy."
过去四年里,洛杉矶的电影制片人roko Belic环游世界并制作了一部名为《幸福》的纪录片。
Renowned Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke will shoot the 90-minute documentary entitled "Shanghai Legend" for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
After a village in a cave (1995), the filmmaker spent two years doing fieldwork in this cave village again and made this documentary series.
One of my key objectives as a filmmaker is to renounce the piousness and equivocation of cinema in order to find a natural and rational approach to documentary and life.