This unit is also known as a full-time equivalent (FTE).
Number of bound volumes per student FTE. 4th out of 11 libraries.
We have a 12 month fixed term 1.0 FTE (40 hours) position for a Programme Manager.
Create channels from the agent queue manager to any other agent queue manager in the FTE network.
It must be an integer while FTE stands on manpower for a certain work and could be decimals.
This file contains the commands to create the MQ objects needed for FTE in the coordination manager.
此文件包含用于在协调管理器中为 FTE 创建必要 MQ 对象的命令。
For more information on the available manipulation methods, see the WebSphere MQ FTE V7.0.1 information Center.
关于可用的操作方法的更多信息,请参见WebSphere MQ FTE V7.0.1信息中心。
You can use the task list in this article to build a simple FTE network, which will help you get started on FTE.
FTE: Full-time equivalent jobs, which are total hours worked divided by average annual hours-worked in full-time jobs.
For information on the XML schema for these audit messages, see the topic message formats in the WebSphere MQ FTE information center.
有关这些审计消息的XML模式的信息,请参见WebSphere MQ FTE信息中心的Message formats。
For more information on this topic, see which WebSphere MQ FTE commands connect to which queue manager in the WMQFTE information center.
要详细了解这个主题,请参见WMQFTE信息中心中的which WebSphere MQ FTE commands connect to which queue manager。
For information on a number of additional variables that you can use in a similar way, see the WebSphere MQ FTE V7.0.1 information Center.
要了解其他几个可以以类似方法使用的变量的相关信息,请参见WebSphere MQ FTE V7.0.1信息中心。
The scenarios were created on a single Windows machine, but the same concepts apply to any platform that WebSphere MQ FTE supports.The two scenarios are.
这些场景在单个Windows机器上创建,但相同的概念也适用于WebSphere MQ FTE支持的任何平台。
WebSphere MQ FTE is a new edition of WebSphere MQ that manages secure and reliable file transfers, and publishes messages that provide an audit log of the transfers.
WebSphere MQ FTE是WebSphere MQ的一个新版本,它可以设法实现安全可靠的文件传输,并能发布关于传输审计日志的消息。
Creation of 2D/3D drawings, BOM and other design related documents, communicate with FTE German engineering centers to facilitate detailed design and drawing creation.
The patented fault tolerant Ethernet (FTE) network topology ensures process uptime in case of a network component failure by routing the communication through alternate channels.
Although this dissertation has some shortcomings, the author has managed to summarize the writing skills of foreign trade English, with the hope to help those who are learning and using FTE.