Or they could decline PDVSA's offer. But that would make default ever more likely.
And these high interest rates, by raising the burden of debt service, make default more likely.
There are creative ways to make default less painful; trying to pretend it will not happen is not one of them.
Apple's stance on these issues emerged post-Snowden, when the company started putting in place a series of technologies that, by default, make use of encryption to limit access to people's data.
Pay for it if you need it, but don't make it your default.
The default filter option is to make all columns visible.
But we must make the default assumption that each individual has the right to communicate knowledge to other individuals.
THE deficit-reduction deal that finally raised America’s debt ceiling and staved off the threat of default seemed to make no one happy.
Make sure you are viewing files in the default content group.
Datajs USES XMLHttpRequest to make network calls by default, but a different HTTP client can be used.
Some people assume that make USES this rule because it's named "default."
The only slightly unusual function is read_yes_no(), which can be given a Y or 1 default parameter to make the default true, and any other parameter to make the default false.
惟一一个稍微与众不同的函数是 read_yes_no() ,可以给它一个 Y 或 1 的默认参数来使默认值为真,任何其他的参数都会使默认值为假。
Now select Gradient Tool from the layer palette, make sure that default colors are selected (black and white you can activate them simply by pressing D on your keyboard).
There will be one frame by default. Make a second frame by clicking on the little “page” icon at the bottom of the animation toolbar.
第三步: 打开动画窗口(Window -> Animation),有一帧图片是默认的,点击动画工具栏里的小“page”图标来制作第二帧。
Make sure that the default role, Everyone, is not granted permission to the "Delete the stream" action.
确定默认的角色,也就是 Everyone,没有被授予“Delete the stream”操作的权限。
Make sure it boots the Xen kernel by default.
Make your profile the default profile.
So why not make enrolling in the scheme the default option, still leaving them the choice to opt out?
Together, the default role and default policy make up the default authorization: the implicit rule of access on the cube for users with no explicit rule of access.
Typical modifications you might want to make to the default transformation for your host application.
You could make the configuration more robust by adding a "default" locale.
Only a minority of borrowers abruptly ceased to make payments, as someone choosing to default would.
You can also install your functional tool of choice on the default agent and make a customized version for this purpose.
Borrowers will make money in good years and default in bad years.
Now that you have some good, testable, reusable components in place, you can make them a part of the default scaffolding.
But the contortions have begun to make sure that a default rating would not cause chaos.
To complicate matters even more, some creditors, having bought insurance against default, may make more if the restructuring fails than if it succeeds.
Choose a name for your profile, and make it the default.