On arriving in New York, Dylan went directly to Greenwich Village.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》By age 16 he was playing professionally with bands in Greenwich Village.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize money.
The Expires header specifies a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) expiry.
Expires报头用于指定格林尼治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time, GMT)有效期。
Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twicea day.
A Metropolitan police spokesman said Greenwich CID had launched an investigation.
One hot spot is the Spotted Pig in Greenwich Village, where startup types congregate.
Its size and cultural importance are akin to that of New York City's Greenwich Village.
He lived with his parents on Park Avenue and spent his nights in Greenwich Village.
I first read of the Salem murder many years ago in a Greenwich Village secondhand bookshop.
多年以前,我第一次读到萨勒姆谋杀案是在格林威治村(Greenwich Village)的一家二手书店里。
Which resonates better: "Service available in your area," or "Serving Greenwich since 1972"?
At the age of nine, Tasha's parents divorced, and she moved to Greenwich Village with her mother.
Which resonates better: "Service available in your area, " or "Serving Greenwich since 1972"?
Greenwich Park is the oldest of the Royal Parks and offers spectacular views over the river Thames.
A time zone is a geographic location relative to Greenwich, England that is used to calculate the time.
After the 1884 Convention, Greenwich officially became the place where every day, year and century began.
To answer this question, let's use Universal time (UT), also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean time (GMT).
“Imagine waking up one morning and discovering that Chelsea, then Greenwich Village, have been replaced by malls, ” he said.
Michael Meyer说“试想哪天早晨醒来发现切尔西(译者注:伦敦西南部一住宅区 为艺术家和作家的聚居地),然后是格林尼治村(译者注:指纽约或其他城市的文人、艺术家等的聚居区)被大商场取代了”。
They shun jacket and tie, exclude women from the workspace, and even aspire to replace Greenwich Mean Time with Mecca Mean Time.
But why does Mann, a mathematician based at the University of Greenwich in south London, support a north London team like Spurs?
A couple caught in the snow last winter at the 17th-century Greenwich Naval College, London. To the right, shrouded in mist, is the River Thames.
Greenwich thus became established as the location of the prime meridian of longitude, and the base line for calculating time zones around the world.
Pancras in central London to Olympic Park in seven minutes and a new cable car over the River Thames between Greenwich and the Docklands is underway.
Substantial without being ostentatious, the Bentley fades into the background in Greenwich and Palm Beach and makes a quiet statement everywhere else.
The team also denied that Heat owner Micky Arison had reserved a restaurant for Thursday night in Greenwich, Conn., where James is making his announcement.
The rare lunar eclipse has fallen on the winter solstice at the Greenwich meridian of December 21, 2010, making the day the "darkest" ever in 372 years.
There is no need to transfer yet more money from the retirement savings of ordinary employees to the grandees of Greenwich, Connecticut, and Mayfair, London.