Like a metronome, it is predictable.
Then we have Metronome.
GigBaby! Four track recorder, metronome, drum machine.
These vibrations turn the ion into a sort of superfast metronome.
If you're looking for a metronome, you've come to the wrong place.
Metronome is designed to provide RT behavior to existing applications.
Metronome 的设计目的是为现有的应用程序提供 RT 行为。
The metronome imitation will not do - at least, not for young infants.
Metronome USES a new two-level object model for arrays called arraylets.
Metronome lets users specify the level of utilization an application receives.
One double bass player likened the experience to being conducted by a metronome.
Digital metronome with an extra large backlit LCD for excellent visibility.
Also metronome would be helpful, please refer to the lessons in sophomore year.
Develop a habit of using the metronome and your playing will undoubtedly improve.
Metronome guarantees that a percentage of processing time is dedicated to the application.
Metronome 保证应用程序可以获得一定百分比的处理时间。
The built-in tuner and metronome provide audio-visual feedback for practicing students.
As the load increases, there's not enough time to run Metronome and write out the audit log.
Figure 4 demonstrates how deterministic GC pause times are with the Metronome technology.
图 4 演示了使用 Metronome 技术后的 GC 暂停时间的确定性。
The City of Metronome is a unique third person adventure game where sound is your weapon.
In others a ticking metronome was operating at the heartbeat speed of 72 beats per minute.
The metronome ticks steadily on as we move through a permanent static three-dimensional space.
Only this time, two more groups were asked to eat - or imagine eating - to the beat of a metronome.
As regarding rhythm: to compose in sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of the metronome.
For each of these STW pauses, Metronome USES the cooperative suspend mechanism in the J9 virtual machine.
对于每个这样的STW暂停,Metronome在J 9虚拟机中使用协作暂停机制。
GC work in Metronome is time based, and any change to the hardware clock could cause hard-to-diagnose problems.
If you can play along with a metronome, even if its only a simple beat, that will get you farther than you can imagine.
Metronome uses quanta of 500 microseconds in length over a 10-millisecond window and has a default utilization target of 70%.
Metronome 在 10 毫秒的时间窗内使用 500 微秒的时间量,默认的利用率目标为 70%。
The Metronome garbage collector's performance lets you achieve predictable execution down to a precision of a few milliseconds.
Metronome 垃圾收集器的性能使您能够获得可预测的执行,达到几毫秒的精确度。
Metronome USES several key approaches within the J9 virtual machine to achieve deterministic pause times while guaranteeing GC's safety.
Metronome使用J 9虚拟机中的几个关键方法来实现确定的暂停时间,同时保证GC的安全性。
Thus the clock laser's orderly light waves are paced by the atomic metronome - just as a drill sergeant keeps troops in precise cadence.