Chop Suey: The Chinese-American version of a leftover casserole.
I used to sit on its small balcony overlooking the street and read my book over Chop Suey and beer.
The most famous of Shouzhua mutton, Chop Suey of cow and sheep, lamb dumplings, stew lamb, Mutton and Bread Pieces in Soup, and so on.
In Latin America, McDonald's restaurants have created a special menu that includes a Beijing Burger with chop suey and breaded sticks of rice to promote the Games.
Historically, many words of Chinese origin in English are popular Cantonese foods, borrowed directly from the dialect, for instance, chop suey, chow mein, or dim sum.
过去,英文中的很多中文词汇都来自于受欢迎的粤菜,直接从粤语借用而来,比如“chop suey”(炒杂烩)、“chow mein”(炒面)、“dim sum”(点心)。