1 词典释义:
be influential in
时间: 2024-11-03 22:06:27


  • You are the leader and only you can be influential in the decision.


  • Before turning higher education into career potential, an individual first has to be influential in a team.


  • These users consist of higher-income professionals and executives who tend to be influential in forums and spend a lot on cosmetics and luxury goods.


  • I asked some of the most influential and widely respected practitioners in UX what they consider to be the biggest misperceptions of what we do.


  • Sure there might be a place for influential contacts, money and natural ability but in the end it comes down to discipline.


  • Nevertheless, it all boils down to how greatly you need to have passion, how influential it can be and how crucial an ingredient it is in the Recipe for Student Success.


  • The fate of thousands of these lions will be decided on Monday as judges in the South African high court consider an appeal by an influential breeders' lobby.


  • Those who do not stay in education will also be influential.


  • The area between the lines of latitude 53n and 54n, which covers much of Northern England, taking in Liverpool, seems to be particularly influential.


  • He is considered by many scholars to be one of the most influential people in the history of the world.


  • It's possible that you may be involved in several different kinds of groups or communities. This is one method for you too become more influential on the blogosphere.


  • The Ares rocket is tentatively scheduled to be in service by 2015 but an influential review of Nasa's human spaceflight programme has cast doubt on its future.


  • Now competition to get into such colleges is fierce. A young art entrepreneur, Umer Butt, whose gallery Grey Noise in Lahore lent works to the show, aspires to be an influential dealer.

    如今进入这类院校的并不容易,一位住在拉合尔的叫Umer Butt的年轻工作室负责人将 Grey Noise画廊的作品借给这次展览,并希望通过此成为一位有影响力艺术品商人。

  • If a highly influential person were to retweet various tweets for a particular user, they would only be listed once. The Comparator is shown in Listing 11.


  • And today Lotus Notes and Domino remain among the most important and influential products in the industry — many corporations find that they cannot be as efficient and productive without them.

    而且今天Lotus Notes和Domino仍然是行业中最重要和最有影响力的产品之一,许多公司发现,如果没有这些产品,他们将无法做到高效多产。

  • But weak ties can be in the thousands and are very influential (a la Facebook).


  • Questions also focused on social norms: how socially acceptable they believed it was to be overweight and how influential their social contacts were in terms of their own weight loss.

    问题集中于社会的常态行为:超重在社会上被接纳的程度怎样? 对于减肥,社交圈里的人对他们有多大影响?

  • In that way product and promotion is subtly mixed and visitors hardly know an advertising message is delivered. That would be impressive and influential.


  • In the numerous schools of literature of modernism, send the drama to be one of the most influential schools fantastically.


  • Even if these frameworks don't achieve the popularity of Sun and Apache's offerings, they can still be very influential in showing easier (or faster) ways of accomplishing the same ends.


  • It shows that when we collaborate, we can be an influential force in Washington, DC, he says.


  • That core group is incredibly influential in showing us where the future is going, how people are going to be using these things.


  • Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.


  • Newton, oneof the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, could be best case of how modesty works in the course of making further progress and achieving greater success.


  • Haier group, an enterprise having an established fame in the world, as China's the first only one, was just be included in the international most influential 100 brands.

