You might think of it as a kind of artificial, processed, bland, easily consumable version of fate.
Bake or cook consumable gifts like cookies.
The surveys need to be speedy and consumable.
Data: Is your data consumable by various channels?
We contend that the second example is more consumable.
Any gift, says the policy, must be consumable in a single day.
Making services consumable from any platform, tool, or programming language
They use basic XML instead of the complex SOAP XML and are easily consumable
它们使用基本的 XML,而不是复杂的 SOAP XML,使用非常方便。
But SSDs are different from hard disk drives (HDDs) in that they are consumable.
但是SSD不同于硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive, HDD),因为它们是可以消耗掉的。
From the previous stage, you now have some fully matured and consumable services (Figure 13).
This process results in writes to the consumable storage and should therefore be minimized.
This modeling concept is part of the Advanced maturity level "Consumable Type System" capability.
That's all it takes to get a plug-in from an Eclipse workspace to a consumable form on a hard disk.
这就是把插件从 Eclipse 工作区导出为硬盘上的一种可用形式。
You can also specify a display name that is consumable by the visual tools along with a description.
You can also specify a display name that is consumable by the visual tools, along with a description.
For example, one address might hold a human-consumable format and another a machine-consumable format.
The componentization of legacy application functionality into consumable services made it available to SAs.
This provider will consume some token and deduct logon data consumable by an Authentication provider from it.
The assumption is that this token is not consumable by any other IBM Cognos 8 authentication provider directly.
假设任何其他IBM Cognos 8身份验证提供者都无法直接使用这种令牌。
Cloud computing enhances business agility through consumable services for infrastructures, platforms, and applications.
In this article you make these statistics more consumable for your place owners. You are going to do the following.
Around 60% of UK farmland is only suitable for growing grass; it would not support a crop directly consumable by humans.
The resulting UI shows statistics about content, growth, and health of the place to the place owners in a consumable form.
If activated, an ITUAM-consumable CSR file is automatically generated once a day with metering data from the previous day.
Several interesting things happen when you can factor out these details from the application in a consumable metadata form
You can also specify a display name that is consumable by the visual tools, along with a description as shown in Listing 3.
除了清单 3中显示的描述外,您还可以具体制定一个可视工具可以辨别的显示名称。
It will make SOA more consumable and it will create a common pool of skills that companies can draw on to build their systems.
Strong governance of the standards used is critical in ensuring the SOA is not only consumable, but also maintainable going forward.
要确保 SOA 不仅是可消费的,并且在今后是可维护的,对所用标准的严格治理至关重要。
Summing up the benefits of exploring what’s called “a life worth living” in a consumable sound bite is not easy, Mr. Kronman said.
consumable electrode
consumable material