These are changes in struct cfs_rq.
以下是struct cfs_rq中的变动。
Declaring a new struct type is simple.
Listing 1. Definition of struct sg_io_hdr.
清单1 . sg_io_hdr结构的定义。
Listing 1. Important fields from struct key.
清单1 . struct key中的重要字段。
This is very useful for accessing members of a struct.
The general format of a "struct" document is as follows.
“ struct ”文档的常用格式如下。
Listing 1 shows some important fields from struct key.
清单1给出struct key中一些重要的字段。
Listing 11. Possible flag values of struct key fields.
清单11 . struct key字段可能的标志值。
Those functions can then be called as methods on the struct.
A struct that represents a 'potential request for cancellation'.
In EffecTV.h, modify the _effect struct to include the following.
在EffecTV . h中修改_ effect struct,以包含以下代码。
Listing 5. Output of struct thread_info for pids 1508 and 1509.
清单5 . pid 1508和1509的结构体thread_info的输出。
If okay, save the start page in a field of the struct pointed to by psa.
如果没有问题,则在ps a所指结构的字段中保存起始页。
Therefore, create the following struct to hold all buffer-specific information.
Mostly these are fields of struct key_user defined in security/keys/internal.h.
大多数字段是 security/keys/internal.h 中定义的 struct key_user 的字段。
Figure 1 represents the struct mystruct and its members in the heap segment.
图1表示堆分段中的struct mystruct及其成员。
Vfs_gfs points to the struct GFS structure for the corresponding file system.
vfs_gfs指向对应的文件系统的struct gfs结构。
When I declared the Car struct, I gave it what is called an anonymous member.
Then, let's say that the address of the struct itself is in a register called register X.
然后,假设这个结构体本身的地址在一个名为 X 的寄存器中。
The socket structure in Linux is struct sock, which is defined in linux/include/net/sock.h.
Linux 中的 socket 结构是 struct sock,这个结构是在 linux/include/net/sock.h 中定义的。
The struct keyword provides a way to collect a group of variables together into a structure.
struct 关键字提供了将一组变量集中到一个结构的方法。
The kernel keeps the state information of a process in the state field of struct task_struct.
内核将进程的状态信息保存在struct task_struct的state字段中。
Notice that in both the PPE and the SPE the struct was aligned to 16 bytes and padded to 16 bytes.
注意在 PPE 和 SPE 中,这个结构被对齐为 16 字节,并填充成 16 个字节。
Figure 3 represents the struct mystruct and its members in the heap segment after the overflow.
图3表示溢出后的堆分段中的struct mystruct及其成员。
Figure 2 represents the struct mystruct and its members in the heap segment after the overflow.
图 2 表示溢出后的堆分段中的 struct mystruct 及其成员。
Each scheduler module needs to implement a set of functions as suggested by struct sched_class.
每个调度程序模块需要实现struct sched_class建议的一组函数。
This struct ACTS as a container for the properties that you mark up (the link URL and linked text).
Once created, a struct represents a new type that can then be used throughout your interface definition.
一旦创建了, struct 表示可以在整个接口定义中被使用的 新类型。
The second one, get_sockets , takes the socket, accepts a connection, and creates a struct sockets object.
第二个子程序get _ sockets,以这个套接字为参数,接受连接,并创建一个struct sockets对象。
The POSIX 1003.1 standard defines only one required entry for struct dirent, an array of char named d_name.
POSIX 1003.1标准仅仅为struct dirent定义了一个必需的条目,即char数组d _ name。