He piggybacks on other hosts and USES their resources to increase his tribe.
Google has published a convention that piggybacks on the robots.txt convention.
google在robots . txt约定的基础上发布了一个新的约定。
Curapipe’s system piggybacks, as it were, on the system of “pigs” commonly used to clean urban water mains.
The DToC server piggybacks on the HTTP protocol (and by default uses port 80) to serve a "remote desktop" across a network -- either a LAN or the Internet.
DToC 服务器依附 HTTP 协议上(缺省情况下,使用端口 80),以通过网络(LAN 或因特网)为“远程台式机”提供服务。
The second, known as piggyback, doesn't create any connections to the server. Instead, it waits until another DWR service call occurs and piggybacks pending events onto this request's response.
The next time the connection is retrieved from the pool used, the reset connection request piggybacks on the first round trip to the server and executes before the user performs any operations.
Now a new study shows that emotions aren't the only information that piggybacks on our speech: We subconsciously convey important details about the objects around us just by verbally describing them.