He wants to see them beg for mercy.
《牛津词典》I beg for mercy for my poor friend, Harlequin, who has never done the least harm in his life.
Good Sir, I beg for mercy.
But I was there. I heard a woman beg for mercy.
I was a nobody and not inclined to beg for mercy or to show it.
You can give me down heavily, but not even think I would beg for mercy.
Playing in his first major as a pro, Woods made Augusta National beg for mercy.
The prisoner who has been convicted as a traitor threw himself at the feet of the judge and beg for mercy.
Your servants have arrested the owner of the wineshop and his daughters. They plead their ignorance and beg for mercy.
Police said the police fired warning shots in the request Miss Hua to give up confrontation X, Wu X China has suddenly kneeling down to beg for mercy that he did not sick.
I beg your mercy for another chance.
And although it is hard for me to hear this, yet for truth's sake I will allege my SINS against myself, so that I may more easily deserve to beg Your mercy.
His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke. therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.
他的生命全凭公爵处置。 因此你快快跪下请求公爵开恩吧。