The result was a massive recall of the processed peanuts contained in everything from peanut butter to ice cream.
It includes not just peanut butter, but baked goods and other products that contain peanuts and are sold directly to consumers.
Peanut butter: Peanuts don't appear to cause allergies in dogs like they do in people, says Lauten.
Butter and candy could be made from peanuts.
Peanuts. . If you have difficulty falling asleep, eat more peanuts or natural peanut butter. A rich source of niacin, peanuts help to increase the release of serotonin .
花生。要是你很难入睡,多吃点花生或是吃些天然的花生酱。花生里含有大量的烟酸,花生有助于增加羟色胺的释放。 。
Peanuts. If you have difficulty falling asleep, eat more peanuts or natural peanut butter. A rich source of niacin, peanuts help to increase the release of serotonin .