Now most will not remember the very forgettable show Ghostwriter on PBS.
And his last ghostwriter has been found drowned - an awful fate that resonates, sickeningly, with TV images of waterboarding.
Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker.
The ghostwriter flies out to work on the project, in the middle of winter, to an oceanfront house on an island off the US Eastern seaboard.
When a successful British ghostwriter agrees to complete the memoirs of former British Prime Minister Adam Lang, his agent assures him it's the opportunity of a lifetime.
Palin's ghostwriter, Lynn Vincent, has previously collaborated on the memoirs of a retired general, William Boykin, the former head of the US army's Special Forces Command.
佩林的枪手,林·文森特(Lynn Vincent)之前曾协助一退役将军、前美国特种部队指挥官威廉·柏金(William Boykin)撰写回忆录。
Sean Platt is an author and professional ghostwriter, and part of the crew at the lifestyle design site, Your Life's Blueprint. Life's better when you follow him on Twitter.
Let me tell you a little bit more bout the man behind all this coolness: my interviewee today, Sean Platt, is a ghostwriter who is basically like you and me–but in the future.
Further confirmation that Palin is not Barack Obama, who writes his own books, comes with the news that she used a ghostwriter, who is arguably even more controversial than Palin herself.